Format validators

OpenAPI defines a format keyword that hints at how a value should be interpreted, e.g. a string with the type date should conform to the RFC 3339 date format.

OpenAPI comes with a set of built-in format validators, but it’s also possible to add custom ones.

Here’s how you could add support for a usdate format that handles dates of the form MM/DD/YYYY:

  import re

  def validate_usdate(value):
     return bool(re.match(r"^\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{4}$", value))

  extra_format_validators = {
     'usdate': validate_usdate,

  config = Config(
  openapi = OpenAPI.from_file_path('openapi.json', config=config)

  openapi.validate_response(request, response)