
Unmarshalling is the process of converting a primitive schema type of value into a higher-level object based on a format keyword. All request/response data, that can be described by a schema in OpenAPI specification, can be unmarshalled.

Unmarshallers firstly validate data against the provided schema (See Validation).

Openapi-core comes with a set of built-in format unmarshallers:

  • date - converts string into a date object,

  • date-time - converts string into a datetime object,

  • binary - converts string into a byte object,

  • uuid - converts string into an UUID object,

  • byte - decodes Base64-encoded string.

You can also define your own format unmarshallers (See Customizations).

Request unmarshalling

Use unmarshal_request function to validate and unmarshal request data against a given spec. By default, OpenAPI spec version is detected:

from openapi_core import unmarshal_request

# raises error if request is invalid
result = unmarshal_request(request, spec=spec)

Request object should implement OpenAPI Request protocol (See Integrations).


Webhooks feature is part of OpenAPI v3.1 only

Use the same function to validate and unmarshal webhook request data against a given spec.

# raises error if request is invalid
result = unmarshal_request(webhook_request, spec=spec)

Webhook request object should implement OpenAPI WebhookRequest protocol (See Integrations).

Retrieve validated and unmarshalled request data

# get parameters
path_params = result.parameters.path
query_params = result.parameters.query
cookies_params = result.parameters.cookies
headers_params = result.parameters.headers
# get body
body = result.body
# get security data
security = result.security

In order to explicitly validate and unmarshal a:

  • OpenAPI 3.0 spec, import V30RequestUnmarshaller

  • OpenAPI 3.1 spec, import V31RequestUnmarshaller or V31WebhookRequestUnmarshaller

from openapi_core import V31RequestUnmarshaller

result = unmarshal_request(request, response, spec=spec, cls=V31RequestUnmarshaller)

You can also explicitly import V3RequestUnmarshaller which is a shortcut to the latest OpenAPI v3 version.

Response unmarshalling

Use unmarshal_response function to validate and unmarshal response data against a given spec. By default, OpenAPI spec version is detected:

from openapi_core import unmarshal_response

# raises error if response is invalid
result = unmarshal_response(request, response, spec=spec)

Response object should implement OpenAPI Response protocol (See Integrations).


Webhooks feature is part of OpenAPI v3.1 only

Use the same function to validate and unmarshal response data from webhook request against a given spec.

# raises error if request is invalid
result = unmarshal_response(webhook_request, response, spec=spec)

Retrieve validated and unmarshalled response data

# get headers
headers = result.headers
# get data
data = result.data

In order to explicitly validate and unmarshal a:

  • OpenAPI 3.0 spec, import V30ResponseUnmarshaller

  • OpenAPI 3.1 spec, import V31ResponseUnmarshaller or V31WebhookResponseUnmarshaller

from openapi_core import V31ResponseUnmarshaller

result = unmarshal_response(request, response, spec=spec, cls=V31ResponseUnmarshaller)

You can also explicitly import V3ResponseUnmarshaller which is a shortcut to the latest OpenAPI v3 version.